
The Warren Cousins

The Warren Cousins

About The Warren Cousins


The Family Society of the Descendants of Mayflower Pilgrim Richard Warren & Elizabeth Walker














2021 Annual Meeting

The Mayflower Society Recognition

Supported the 1670 Warren House Project

At the Annual Meeting on Oct. 23, 2021 in Plymouth,  The Warren Cousins adopted new Bylaws that position the organization for continued growth and success and elected new officers and board members.

Plimoth Patuxet has dynamic plans to construct a 1670 Warren House homestead on the Museum grounds in Plymouth. Based on the fascinating story of Elizabeth Warren, an accomplished businesswoman in an age of men, this new exhibit invites guests to explore later-century events in Plymouth Colony during a period of significant change for the English and Native communities.  Guests will be drawn into augmented storytelling experiences onsite and now online through e-books, podcasts, and a web series.  This project presents opportunities for groundbreaking new educational material. The Warren Cousins contributed $7,000 to this project.

The Warren Cousins continued as a recognized family society of The General Society of Mayflower Descendants.