
The Warren Cousins

The Warren Cousins

The Warren Cousins

50 Years ~ 1973-2023

In celebration of The Warren Cousins 50th anniversary in 2023 and the 400th anniversary of the arrival of Anne in Plymouth on 16 July 1623 carrying Elizabeth and her five daughters, The Warren Cousins is pleased to announce it is working with St. John the Baptist Church to place a permanent memorial for Richard and Elizabeth in the Great Amwell church where the couple married 14 April 1610.


The church dates to the 11th Century and is essentially structurally unchanged since the 1610 wedding. The Warren Cousins will join St. John the Baptist Church members on Sunday, Sept. 3, 2023 to dedicate the memorial and celebrate the legacy of Richard Warren and Elizabeth Walker.


The Warren Cousins has worked with an experienced Mayflower travel agency to develop an eight-night itinerary for Mayflower descendants visiting Great Amwell for the dedication. Tour dates are Sunday, Aug. 27 through Monday, Sept. 4. Tour registration is now open. See 2023 England Tour below.


The tour was developed to focus on sites of special interest to Warren, Bartlett & Cooke descendants highlighting Elizabethan and Jacobean England at the time of the Mayflower Passengers. All Mayflower descendants are welcome.